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with a Puerto Rico Attorney
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with a Puerto Rico Attorney
When should I hire an accident attorney in Puerto Rico?
If you were involved in any type of accident in Puerto Rico and suffered injuries and/or your property sustained damage, you should at least consult with an accident attorney to find out if his/her legal services are required. While most assume they only need to retain legal counsel if they intend on suing someone who may have caused them to suffer injuries, the reality is, a lawyer is capable of doing much more.
Let’s say you were involved in a motor vehicle accident, one of the leading causes of injuries and deaths in the U.S. You suffered injuries that led to you being hospitalized and had to attend weeks of therapy to regain your strength. Your insurer has offered you a settlement that is expected to cover your medical costs as well as some other losses you incurred but you aren’t sure if the amount that was offered is enough. You question the settlement, yet your insurance adjuster reassures you that the amount is accurate and it is all you are entitled to receive.
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