Alabama Police Brutality Attorneys
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Find a Top Police Brutality Lawyer in Alabama
When do victims have legal recourse after the identification of overzealous negative encounters with Alabama law enforcement?
Police misconduct in the United States has increased to the point where community trust has eroded resulting in a precarious climate for both citizens and law enforcement. Communities suffer from unrelenting push back of both sides of this dangerous societal equation when police officers overstep their prescribed duties and act with excessive force that causes harm to citizens. While excessive force is not the only violation of police against Alabama citizens, it is the most newsworthy. Other actions include false arrest and wrongful imprisonment; wrongful search and seizure activity; sexual harassment; racial and gender discrimination; and bias-based profiling.
Victims of police brutality should seek legal counsel to build a case against law enforcement who use their broad power through the badge to inflict harm to communities they are sworn to serve and protect. Federal and state laws, including the First, Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments, Title 6 of the Civil Rights Act, Title 42 United States Code, Americans with Disabilities Act, and Alabama State Code, can support a police brutality lawyer’s argument and provide remedy to victims of police brutality.
Alabama police brutality victims should seek the counsel of an experienced lawyer to help with department complaints and formal legal action. Successful outcomes may recover damages that include:
If you’ve been the victim of police brutality in Alabama, a police injury lawyer can help. Please call today at 800-672-3103 for a free consultation with a police brutality lawyer in Alabama.
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